Hit rate

We strive for finding the right candidate the 1st time around!

We follow up on our recruiting tasks and are proud of our customer’s high rate of satisfaction with our work and of our very high hit rate, which is 96%. The hit rate is a measure of how many of the candidates, where we have been a part of the recruiting process, still hold their jobs 6 months after they have started.

We put pride in delivering top quality services. We will rather put more time into the assignment, than risk that we don’t solve the job to the best qualitative level.

We are just as happy to take on a small part of the recruiting process. Our goal is not to sell as big an assignment as possible, but to sell the service which makes the best package for you. As an example, we advise many of our customers to use us as a sparring partner and to execute the psychometric assessments on the final candidates for the job. Hereby the customer will avoid paying consultancy fees for other than the highly specialized tasks.

Even though this limits the size of many of our assignments, we are not in doubt that this is a good choice for both parties: Our customer will have a much smaller economical investment, and we remain as the customer’s most preferred recruiting partner.